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Apr 25, 2022

In episode 653 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, we are back with our teen guest host Aiden.  Once a month he brings the kid's perspective on life.  This one he talks about his experience doing this show and this being his final one for the time being.

My hope is that it will expand your mindset and maybe...

Apr 18, 2022

How to Harness Your Gifts, Fulfill Your Purpose, and Create a Life of Joy
Years ago, Dr. Karen went through her “Dark Night of the Soul”, succumbing to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disease, multiple chemical sensitivities...even suicidal depression. Her medical training wasn’t enough for...

Apr 10, 2022

Secrets to go from Stuck To Unstoppable 

In episode of 651 I chat with Genecia Alluora, a former Miss Singapore, Cafe Retail Chain Owner and Southeast Asia Woman of Excellence 2010, International Progressive Women 2019.  We chat about how she's built a business and a following through her hard work and mindset. 

She is...

Apr 4, 2022

Creating More Control Over the Life You Want
In episode 650 I chat with Dr. Reza Abraham.
Do you ever feel like you want more out of life but you can't seem to figure out how to make it happen? Listen as Dr. Reza Abraham talks about gaining more control on what you want plus his story of doing the same.