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Apr 29, 2020

In episode 410 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, we are back with our Wednesday segment where I chat with psychologists, therapists and other experts on the science of personal growth. This special episode is from a LIVE interview I did with psychotherapist Anna Jezuita about how we can all stay mentally...

Apr 27, 2020

In episode 409, I chat with Rita Naomi who always loved the outdoors.  She always worked in the physical therapy and health world, but soon found herself frustrated that she couldn't help her son or her own health.  Listen as she talks about the need to recover the mind to help recover the body, how her and her son have...

Apr 24, 2020

It's the work on me weekend segment and today Keri talks about why we need to be clear in how we communicate with others and how we can improve our communication with others step by step. 

Apr 22, 2020

In episode 407 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, we are back with our Wednesday segment where I chat with psychologists, therapists, neuroscientists and other experts on the science of personal growth. The month of April will focus on how to protect yourself from dangerous judgments and features Behavioral...

Apr 20, 2020

In episode 406, I chat with Dr. Rudrani Banik who loved astronomy las a kid and came from a family of doctors.  She soon found love for medicine in school and decided to study ophthalmology.  Listen to hear how she battled her own issues with migraines and headaches, how traditional medicine wasn't working and why she...