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Mar 14, 2022

In episode 647 I chat with Lauren Krasnodembski. 

With the daily hustle of everyday, your thoughts and actions are on automatic pilot. We tend to program ourselves to do certain things in certain ways, but just like we can train the muscles in our body, we can also train our mind so that it becomes stronger, more resilient, and healthier, according to Lauren Krasnodembski, author of Reclaim Your Power.
Krasnodembski had her first “oh crap” moment when she was driving home from Costco one Sunday afternoon. Someone had asked her, “what are you passionate about?” and she froze. Despite these moments, she felt paralyzed to act because her mind kept hijacking her power, which kept her on the hamster wheel that we often call life. Yet, things shifted when she followed Warren Buffet’s infamous advice that, “the best investment you can make is in yourself.” Listen to her story and the advice she gives to others to start reclaiming their power.